2024 Tutor Partnership Program🚀

What is this?

Hey teacher,

We're on the hunt for enthusiastic tutors to offer private home tuition near your neighborhood.

As our partner, we'll recommend you to any parents who are looking for a tutor. If they're keen on you, that's great!


1. 👨‍🏫You must be an educator or professional in your field who is ready to teach (tutor, ex/current school teacher, musician, coach, trainer, artist, ...)

2. 🚗Willing to travel to student's place.

3. ☘️Familiar with the latest local/international syllabus.

4. 🥰Know students & parents psychology. Love teaching.

5. 📃Landing page MUST be complete. (Teaching details, profile picture, tutor info) Create Now - It's FREE

Terms & Conditions:

✅ We do not collect commissions from Tutor Partners. We run kids' & homeschool programs, that keep us running!😉

✅ Focus on what you're good at - Teaching.

✅ We will stay connected with the parents to gather feedback on your teaching.

✅ We encourage Tutor Partner to share & refer teaching peers who have the right set of knowledge to take on any assignments.

❌ Dishonest about your qualifications and teaching experience. Overquote your tuition rate.

❌ Frequent postponement, punctuality issues, collecting unjustified payments, and other violations of our Terms of Service.

❌ Act of transferring your assignments to another person without our knowledge. Partner will be banned permanently.


Confirm With Us Now

FAQ - 2024 Tutor Partnership Program

It's FREE!!!

Let me say it again!📣

We do not collect commissions from Partners. You do not have to subscribe, make any purchases, or pay-to-play.

You need to fulfill the 5 criteria above.

On a case per case basis, we may request tutor to provide verifications which includes proof of qualification and teaching experience, teaching places, lesson recordings, or performing an e-KYC with us.

STEP 1: Engage Partner

When we receive a request looking for private tutor at a particular area, we would engage with our local Tutor Partners to check if they're keen to take it.

STEP 2: Parents / Students Decide

Then, we will forward your Landing Page to them. If the parents or students decide to continue with you, Congratulations!🎉

STEP 3: Start Teaching

Finally, we'll start with the first lesson or a short interview with the parents/student if requested. We will keep in touch with you and the parents to gather feedback.

Yes, you can.

Students at college or university are highly sought-after as tutors. Having fresh knowledge about the syllabus provides a perfect fit for students who seek peer tutoring and homework guidance.

Becoming a tutor is also a great option for students looking to earn extra during non-study time. It serves as a foundation for graduates to have teaching as their side profession.

Yes, you can.

Any professional personnel who meet our minimum requirement to become a tutor are welcome to be a part of our educator community.

Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Sports Coaches, and Computer Experts are highly welcomed on TuitionPanda to provide your professional courses and be discovered by your future students.

We have a science tutor who is also a performer violinist, a software engineer who teaches mobile app development, a French tutor who works at a swimming school, etc.

There are no contracts or obligations. You are required to meet the Criteria & follow the Term & Condition above to ensure a rewarding teaching & learning process.

Yes. The existing Partner should give us a 3-day notice, so we are aware of the situation.